8 Super-Effective Results of Hydrafacial in Los Angeles

Are you trying to beat those signs of aging, wrinkles, fine lines, and looking tired? If your answer is yes, you need a facial call. Look no further as Hydrafacial Los Angeles experts will help you achieve a clear, plump, and hydrated complexion using Hydrafacial treatment.
What is a Hydrafacial procedure?
And for the sake of those wondering what the hell is this, we got you. It’s a non-invasive cosmetic therapy that involves a three-part regimen: cleansing, exfoliating, and hydration- infusing intensive serums into the skin to hydrate it. Hydrafacial has a gentler approach than the traditional methods like dermabrasion, which would blast your skin. And it’s one of the safest facial procedures.
How Hydrafacial work?
It’s a procedure consisting of three parts that include:
Exfoliation is the first process where the Hydrafacial Los Angeles expert uses a vortex-like wand, and with its whirling force helps to clear all the dirt that’s hiding deep in your pores. They can also use the peeling method where they don’t have the rod. And this also helps in exfoliation.
Extraction is what follows, where the specialist uses a handle device to remove debris from your pores.
The Hydration process is the final process. Your caregiver will then apply the serum with antioxidants into your skin.
Sometimes your caregiver may find it necessary to add other skincare treatments for optimal results. Such may include dermal fillers and light therapy.
Eight Powerful Effects of Hydrafacial
One of the great uses of Hydrafacial is helping teenagers battling acne. Those with pimples and hyperpigmentation. And adults with flaky pre-cancerous spots.
- Anti-aging
One of the most popular reasons people visit Hydrafacial Los Angeles dermatologists is for anti-aging concern. However, a 2008 study involving 20 women (from a trusted source) found that those who chose Hydrafacial treatment had a remarkable result. Better, compared with those who took serum. Some of the excellent outcomes included less hyperpigmentation, decreased pore size, and fine lines.
- Acne and Acne Scars
Due to the deep exfoliation involved in the microdermabrasion technique that helps unclog pores. However, there are no clinical studies found to prove this.
- Rosacea
Still, there’s no cure for rosacea, and one may feel like they have few options for this sensitive skin condition. But according to Hydrafacial Los Angeles experts, Hydrafacial therapy can be effective on rosacea. It’s a process that helps remove some of the ugly skin conditions such as enlarged pores, bruises, and redness-radiating your inner glow.
And this treatment usually works with a four-stage process:
- Skin detoxification
- Removing the dead skin
- Debris extraction
- Hydration (infusing serum with antioxidants).
More research is still required to prove the effectiveness of Hydrafacial on rosacea. However, a 2006 study showed some similar techniques likely to benefit papulopustular rosacea.
- Blackheads
Blackheads are a noninflammatory type of acne that comes as a result of dead skin cells. Again, as Hydrafacial involves exfoliation and extraction method, these are the same process that can help eliminate blackheads. But more clinical research is still required to confirm this.
- It’s super-consistent
Wherever you go for Hydrafacial treatment, you get assured of consistent results. It doesn’t entirely depend on the technician but more on facial therapy. Hydrafacial is one of those treatments that are efficient and safe.
- Relaxing treatment
Hydrafacial Los Angeles practitioners says Hydrafacial combines perfectly with outstanding elements such as microdermabrasion and chemical peels. It’s also one of those unique treatments that you’ll enjoy. It’s not painful but relaxing and leaves you rejuvenated. It’s more like having a light massage.
Due to the combination of vortex technique and a clog-purging of anti-inflammatory Tasmanian pepper, bark extract, and salicylic acid, this device sucks out all the debris from the pores. And this means there’s no pressure applied.
- No downtime
Like we saw above, Hydrafacial is more like a light massage and less than laser treatment. Nevertheless, it’s the holy grail cosmetic treatment for most celebrities before walking on the red carpet or brides and other event attendees because it delivers without disappointment. You can get your therapy and proceed with your activities.
Hydrafacial can quickly enhance your skin tone and texture as you proceed with your errands. It also helps improve those with skin conditions like acne without peeling or irritating the skin.
Hydrafacial pairs well with other products
While some people go for only Hydrafacial therapy, some would appreciate a combination of other products. According to Hydrafacial Los Angeles experts, most clients love combining Botox and fillers for optimal results. And this is safe while doing it concurrently.
Other popular pairings include injectables and V-Beams (non-ablative light and laser treatments). Doctors can use this to treat sun skin damage, as it helps to wear out redness through the intense pulsed light. In addition, it speeds up the shedding process induced by the resurfacing devices while deeply hydrating the skin.
One other use of Hydrafacial is the ability to customize the tool’s suction power. For example, your therapist can tone it down to address some delicate areas, such as under the eyes. That means a caregiver can even boost circulation to help clear some dark circles.
Who is not fit for this treatment
Even as Hydrafacial points out many benefits, particular people should abstain from this treatment. And who are these? Those with active rosacea, sunburns, active rashes, and expectant moms.
How often can you get Hydrafacial treatments?
The frequency of your HydraFacial sessions depends on your skin type, cosmetic goals, and your provider’s recommendations.
But if you’re using this facial treatment for the first time, it’s advantageous to start with 2-4 sessions a month for the first three months. And you can establish an ideal baseline for your facial skin health later on. And after some time, you can reduce your appointment to once a month.
How long should it last?
Do you want to have Hydrafacial therapy for the anti-aging purpose or enhance your appearance, or remove your brown spots? Most dermatologists, including Hydrafacial Los Angeles, recommend one treatment per month. And you can enjoy the smooth results and hydration between five to seven days or more.
How much will it cost?
On average, the office charges $175 per session. But if you include any add-ons like chemical peels or any other booster treatments, this will raise the standard cost. Another element that will determine the price is your location. As Hydrafacial is a cosmetic treatment, insurance does not cover it. However, your provider may offer some discounts through membership packages.
Is Hydrafacial safe?
Most skin types do well with Hydrafacial, and that includes sensitive skins. However, one of the best things that people love about Hydrafacial, it’s a customizable treatment. For instance, if you visit the Hydrafacial Los Angeles dermatologists, they will work according to your unique skin concern. That’s right. And offer you a personalized treatment.
In Conclusion, did you feel enlightened? We hope so. If your cosmetic goal is to enhance your appearance and overall texture, you now know your options. You can book a Hydrafacial therapy with Hydrafacial Los Angeles experts. It’s a safe treatment suitable for everyone except a few that we mentioned above.