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What You Need To Know About The FE Reference Handbook, Practice Exams, and Review Courses

Passing the FE Civil exam is an important milestone in an engineer’s career. It is a dream of almost every engineer to be called a “professional engineer” across the United States. And why wouldn’t it be? From your status in the industry to your working assignments, and salary, you will see a major boost in everything. But to be able to enjoy the all these benefits, you first have to work hard and clear the test.

The Fundamentals of Engineering exam, just like any prominent exam is not an easy task. However, the preparation process is a bit tricker than usual. It is not just about completing a study course and getting to the exam hall. If you have been following this exam pattern for a while, you would know how crucial the FE Reference Handbook is or how vital the practice tests become.

Although if you are a bit clueless about what we are talking about, you probably haven’t been following a FE exam prep study guide properly. Lucky for you, here we have just the right piece of information. Find out about everything important related to exam below:

What is the NCEES FE Reference Handbook?

The FE Reference Hhandbook that we are talking about is not any common reference guide for the test. It is an NCEES approved handbook that allows you to go about the exam comprehensively. It is the only handbook that you are permitted to take inside the exam hall. During your exam preparation, when you go through this handbook seriously, you will find it easier to take the test.

The FE Reference Handbook gives you a clear-cut idea of what could be in the test, possible question patterns, and more. And the best part is you can directly get a free copy of this handbook from the NCEES website. Since there could be different versions of this handbook available, make sure you are getting the latest one.

The FE Civil exam consists of two types of questions, conceptual and practical problems. You can find the equations to solve the practical questions in your handbook. And for your conceptual problems, the concepts can also be rechecked in the handbook. These are a few things that your FE reference handbook can help you with.

Most candidates who registered for this exam understand the value of the FE Reference Handbook. If you ignore its need, you are already lagging as far as your prep is concerned.

Why Solve FE Civil Exam Practice Tests?

Your preparation shouldn’t just be limited to your FE exam prep study guide or review courses. Take a step forward and start solving practice exams. Your study plan must be such that you have enough time for practice exams too. These are crucial for more than one reason. Once you realize that, you can prepare more effectively. Find out what benefits practice papers has for you:

  • Eliminate Knowledge Gaps

The most prominent benefit of practice exams is that it allows you to identify your knowledge gaps. While studying, it is hard to figure out what your mind grasped perfectly and what it didn’t. However, after you solve a practice test, you will know precisely what you know and what you need to still work on.

  • Time Management

When you solve one practice exam every week, you better and better manage your time. You can determine which questions take more of your time and which can be done quickly. This way, you can plan how to take the test, which questions to go for first, etc. During the test, time is your biggest asset and biggest enemy; make sure you manage the time and solve all the questions.

  • Feel Less Stressed and More Confident

While solving your first practice exam, you might feel quite nervous. But when you solve your fourth or fifth practice test, you will feel more confident and have fewer jitters. And eventually, when you enter the exam hall for the test, you will be driven by self-belief instead of self-doubt. When you are confident with your preparation, the chances of you making basic mistakes because of stress becomes very low.

Importance of FE Review Course:

An FE review course will ensure your subject preparation is headed in the right direction. Besides, no other reference is more significant than getting insights from the experts who know the industry inside out. You have to ensure that you enroll in a relevant FE review course, the one you can rely on.

On top of that, you can also get your hands on some of the top resources for the exam after you join a course including additional practice problems. After you are finished with the course, make sure to spend the rest of the time doing self-revision and reflection on what you can improve on.

Joining a FE review course is also essential as the authorities there will keep you updated with the latest rules and policy changes regarding the exam. Along with this, the professionals will also tell you about the possible threats or mistakes to avoid, what to expect, and a lot more.

Remember that a candidate who took a genuine FE review course is more likely to pass the exam than the one who didn’t. The choice is yours, but I know what side I’d like to be on.


When you set out to clear the FE Civil exam, the equation to clear this test is straightforward. It includes the FE reference handbook, practice exams, and a review course – get these for your test, and you are good to go. However, it becomes very essential that what you study, from whom you seek assistance is of the utmost quality.

Civil Engineering Academy is a well-reputed and experienced platform for your FE civil exam preparation. They have a complete course, NCEES-based practice exams, video practice problems, fantastic support, and more. At here, you can connect with the professionals and start preparing for the FE Civil exam or even the PE exam. 

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