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How to Get Rid of Bad Odour in Your Fridge

Are you annoyed by the foul smells emanating from your fridge? Are you looking for ways to rid yourself of the unpleasant smell emanating from your fridge.? We’ve compiled a list ways you can get rid of the unpleasant fridge smell with no trouble. This will allow you to satisfying all requirements for removal of the smelly refrigerator.

If you’re in a desire to cook something tasty for your family the moment you open the fridge and smell the unpleasant odor emanating from your fridge will ruin your mood. It’s probably the most annoying thing that a person could go through. Before we can tell you the solutions to get rid of the smell coming from your fridge you need to know the cause of the unpleasant smell. Then we will explain how to remove the unpleasant odour in your Fridge. Below are some of the reasons that you can prevent to keep your fridge clean and healthy.

Food can be stored in the freezer with no sealing

Do you keep everything you eat in a sealed container? This is the main reason why your refrigerator stinks. Storing smelly food and other foods in a container that is not sealed causes your fridge to smell bad. It is recommended to store food items in airtight containers to avoid the possibility of bad smells coming from the fridge. Any other issue related to fridge visit refrigerator repair Dubai. 

Not cleaning your refrigerator regularly

Cleaning is an important element of keeping your fridge neat and clean. It is easy to ignore the cheese that was stored the past few days in your refrigerator. However, when you deep clean your fridge, you’ll eliminate it with a definite. So, you can keep your fridge tidy and satisfied. A thorough cleaning every month at least will allow you to eliminate germs and bacteria.

Make sure you have a drain in your tray

If you’re looking to learn the best way to remove unpleasant odour in your refrigerator Then a quick check the drain tray could aid! They are typically located in the front or back of your fridge. The accumulation of water in the drip pan is a source of to mold and bacteria. So the need to clean your drip pan well is the only way to get rid of it.

Food that is rotten should be kept in the refrigerator

If you continue to store the perishable and rotten food items in your fridge the fridge will be smelling awful. The food that is rotten can create the smell of bacteria inside your refrigerator. In turn the fridge will begin to smell sour. Be sure to store perishable foods in the coldest part of your fridge in order to keep them fresher for longer.

Methods to create a pleasant aroma in your refrigerator

There are a variety of methods to revitalizing the scent of your refrigerator. Let’s shine some light on these methods through which you can perform amazing things to your refrigerator.

Set the temperature you require

Are you aware that bacteria are not thriving in the ideal temperature of 40 degrees? It’s real! The optimal temperature decreases bacteria’s activity and helps to keep your food in the original state. Therefore, the bacteria cease to flourish under this optimal temperature. We also have an article on the reasons for your refrigerator’s inability to keep cool.

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Clean up your veggie or drip tray

Your drip tray and your vegetable may accumulate dirt and bacteria in time. Therefore, cleaning these items regularly ensures the fresh smell of your fridge. Remove the trays and bins from the refrigerator and wipe them using a damp cloth. Then you scrub them with peroxide or white vinegar to eliminate the odour that is pungent inside your fridge. It is essential to remember that we should keep our refrigerators clean every week, which is beneficial to us.

Remove any leftovers

Food leftovers in your fridge could be the source of the unpleasant odour. If you do not think about your leftover food the food will start to build up and cause mildew to grow in your refrigerator. This can end in a stench that is a nightmare in your refrigerator. Remove all the leftover food you no longer require to ensure that your fridge is healthy. If you store food near to the vents, do not store them because they could hinder the flow of air and block the fresh air that comes from them. Any issue related to washing machine visit washing machine repair dubai.

Clean your refrigerator

If you’re looking for a reliable way to eliminate unpleasant odours from your refrigerator Then you should start by using natural odour absorbers that refresh your refrigerator. Baking soda in a container or fresh coffee could assist in blocking the smell emanating from your refrigerator. Also, you should store the food leftovers in an enclosed container to stop the accumulation of unpleasant stinks.

Odour neutralizer

Never use a random cleaner to deodorize your fridge. Instead, make use of baking soda to neutralize the smell of your refrigerator. It’s ideal for eliminating the bacteria that are thriving in your refrigerator. First, wash your fridge and remove all remaining food items. After that, take baking soda and dissolve it in hot water. Utilize a sponge in baking soda , and wipe it across your refrigerator. It will also aid you to maintain your.

Use lemons

Lemons have many advantages and can aid in the reduction of refrigerator odors. The fresh scent of lemons can keep refrigerators fresh. Apply lemon juice to the cloth and rub it over your refrigerator. This will help reduce the unpleasant smell that emanates from your refrigerator. It is also possible to keep an open container full of the juice of a lemon for a couple of days to let your refrigerator smell fresh. It’s a low-cost method that anyone can afford to achieve better results.


Follow the steps above to keep your fridge smell nice. It will help you start your healthy lifestyle with an appealing and pleasant smell. If you are still not able to eliminate the odour that is a nuisance of your fridge, call appliance repair to help you get your fridge to smell amazing. Our specialists will use all methods that are available to get rid of the smell. Make sure to get in touch with us.

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