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If You Care About Image Reverse Search You Cannot Care About the Truth

image reverse searchImages have taken on an extremely image reverse search role in the modern world. We know more people by their images than as individuals. People are doing everything they can to change their image, build their image and maintain a good image. When your image becomes outstanding, you tend to attain “celebrity” status as living gods in the modern world.

Hence, images come in different shapes and forms everywhere. From the TV channels that show thousands of images of so-called celebrities such as politicians, movie stars, sports stars, and even journalists. People trust these celebrities more than the people they kno

image reverse search

w well, such as their parents, children, or their husbands.

Most people cannot distinguish between image and reality. They take the image of the person as reality and build their personality from their own imagination. The personality woven around the image is so perfect that they don’t appreciate the real people they know. They consider real people imperfect, while their ideal person lives only in their imagination.

When we know a person’s full personality

we may not like all facets of his or her personality. A real person is unpredictable. His mood changes every moment and he doesn’t behave as we expect them to. Images are much better because they never change and never go against our expectations. So if we only have the image of the celebrity, then the unpleasant aspects are hidden from our eyes and we find a perfect person there.

However, images are quite deceiving as they are only two-dimensional and were taken from only one angle. There is no way to know the full person of an image reverse search as all other facets of the person is completely hidden from the eyes. Despite our best effort, we simply cannot see the full person whose image is before our eyes.

However, the real person is visible from all angles. We see the image of a person from thousands of angles and yet we recognize the person because we know that there is only one person behind all these images. Our mind has the ability to synthesize these images and form the real person with full personality in our mind.

Because God has been righteous, he has not made anyone virtuous or full or wicked. In fact, good and evil are brought together in almost the same proportions in every person. Therefore, someone who knows someone is often disappointed, because even a genius person is not free from flaws and, on average, is no better than any other person.

Image awareness

It is not uncommon to note that all celebrities only want to be photographed in a particular pose as they know that they are only photogenic from few angles. They also like to be photographed with only certain outfits because they know they look best with those outfits and people only want them in such outfits.

These outfits can vary. While some people may like to display their branded garments as a sign of their wealth, others, such as Gandhi, will hardly wear clothes to identify him with arms. Imagine a celebrity like Britney Spears dressed in Indian Sari or Mahatma Gandhi dressed in a designer suit.

People are so used to images that they often create the image of God based on their own imaginations. For example, Indian gods such as Krishna, Rama, or Vishnu are all dressed as a king with gold and diamond jewelry and armed with deadly weapons, while Shiva, the god of destruction, is always dressed as an ascetic with a serpent around his neck.

On the contrary

Jesus is dressed like a saint who appears to be ready to preach. Buddha is always found sitting in meditation. The people do not realize that no one has ever seen God, but the gods who have multi-faceted personalities are formed into an image that covers the real persons that they are, thereby hiding the truth from the eyes of the beholder.

These images became so important to most people over the centuries that they confused the human imagination as God and never tried to know the truth that transcends the whole picture. That is why all religions urge their disciples to avoid idolatry and seek knowledge of the truth. God speaks in the Bible

“How valuable is an idol since man carved it, or an idol that teaches lies? Because he who puts it to trust in his own creation makes idols that cannot speak. Woe to those who say to the tree, ‘Come live! ! ā€Or go to the lifeless rockā€œ Wake up! ā€Can he give advice? It is covered with gold and silver, there is no breath in it (Habakkuk 2: 18-19).

Although images are a useful way to identify people. But confusing images with reality is the most disastrous. Pictures can be the way to the end. But it is not the end in itself. We must use images to reach the truth. But destroys the image as soon as reality becomes visible. After that, the focus should be on reality, not the image.

Photo fall

Most of us who are unconscious are trapped in the picture, like most movie stars, and gradually develop our image of ourselves. After that, they behave the same way all their lives, their fans are very familiar with their image. So they don’t want their heroes to do that. play any role that goes against their image. Celebrities who evolve into celebrity appearances quickly get stuck in their image as someone trapped in a prison wall.

Even ordinary people cannot avoid their own visual traps. Some people develop the image that they are good and good. They take their image so seriously that they can’t do anything bad for others, even if they want to. They can hate a person but do not criticize them because their image will be ruined by the action.

Likewise, people are trapped in the image of their parents, leaders, businessmen, sons, daughters, good, efficient, and bold, and so on. Even bad people are so stuck in their own image that they fear if they are nice and nice to.

Even one person his image will be destroyed and people will no longer fear him. His fear is not much different from that of good people who avoid criticism for fear of losing their love.

The truth is above the whole picture

The only way to come out is to destroy the whole image. The image itself is as much an illusion as the image of God. Some people consider God only as kindness and love. The truth is, God is extremely unkind to those who break His laws and punish those who do their bad things.

Every day we see such bad people being punished. But we do not accept the fact that God is not always loving and merciful. This truth is mentioned in all religions. (You will reap what you sow.) But people ignore this aspect of the Lord so that they can break all of His laws and still hope for love and generosity.


People often portray God as the “only” judges. Courts will weigh everyone’s good and bad deeds (karma) and reward or punish them strictly according to their karma. Again, this is only part of the truth, as God is gracious to forgive those who repent and apologize.

God also listened to the man’s prayer that came from his heart and allowed everyone to reform themselves. This aspect of God is also described in every Bible. But some people view karma as a rule that cannot be broken.

These two divine attributes may seem contradictory when we consider God as an image that can have only one dimension. However, if we view God as the living truth, we know that these two natures are part of everyone’s personality. We all balance justice with kindness to everyone we love. Since man is part of God and created in the image of God, the nature of God is no different.

It is for this reason that the so-called reality of God cannot be held captive in any form of an image. We can only know God through intuition since God is a multidimensional truth and not a one-dimensional image. Only when people are willing to destroy the image of God created by the world can they come to know God in His majesty.


Therefore, the Seeker of Truth must dismantle the image of himself and the entire world in order to manifest the Truth to that person. This can be a difficult task at first. But it’s a lot easier when you travel for the truth. If the person’s efforts know the real person, he cannot hope to trust the photo as such knowledge is impossible without interacting with the real person and drawing his own inferences based on experience. So be prepared to destroy the whole picture if you want to know the truth that the only thing is eternal and true.

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